Industry Intelligence
Tap into cutting edge trends and proven strategies to give you an advantage and stay a step ahead of your competitors in a rapidly growing industry.
A Trusted Community
Surround yourself with a trusted board of advisors who have been where you are, know the unique challenges you face, and can help you level up.
Access To The Best
Connect with hard to reach captains of the industry including those who have started, grown and successfully sold companies in the wireless space.
Dear wireless industry leader -
Have you ever been part of a team that lifts each other up to achieve success and significance?
I’m grateful to say that I have experienced this in a handful of areas of my life -- personally and professionally. And it’s made a huge difference.
I’ve become a better father, a husband, follower of my faith, and leader because of the people I’ve surrounded myself with.
As an entrepreneur, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to start, grow and sell wireless businesses that have generated hundreds of millions of dollars.
Much of this success I’ve had in leadership can be directly attributed to the mentorship and support I’ve received while participating in small, mission-focused groups.
It helps to surround yourself with a board of trusted advisors, people who have walked the path you are walking, who can guide your steps.
Over the years, I’ve participated in and moderated some amazing peer groups with owners and CEO’s of top multi-million dollar companies. I’ve connected, dined, traveled and confided with leaders who are at the top of their game -- and they’ve helped me beyond measure.
One member of Cathedral Consulting’s Competitive Edge peer group (in another industry) says he can directly attribute over $2 million dollars in profit generated from participating in our group!
That said, there’s one thing about the wireless industry that always bugged me...
The peer groups (sometimes called masterminds) that have been so crucial to the success of many people I know do not currently exist in this industry sector.
With increased demand for strong, reliable wireless signals in all places, there's no better time than now to form a group of solutions-focused industry leaders to help each other build a wireless world.
So...I decided to create the peer group we need. It’s called “Wireless Competitive Edge”.
It's a place for industry leaders who:
- Are positive thinkers.
- Have an abundance mindset.
- Believe in the value of contribution, mentorship, and serving others.
- Focus on solutions.
- Want to grow their company to the next level.
- Are committed to showing up every meeting and adding value to others in the group.
As a group, we meet bi-weekly to share industry insights, strategies, struggles, and opportunities. We invite guest experts in to help us grow our business in key areas and regularly participate in “deeper dives” where individual members gain the full focus of the group to help them overcome roadblocks they are experiencing. Also, we gather together, in-person, annually to build relationships, learn and share.
Personally, I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars over the years to participate in masterminds like this -- and they’ve been worth every penny. And if you ask one of our WCE member, they'll say the same.
The price to join is currently just $497/mo.
If you are looking at this page now, it’s because we think you might be a good fit for this high-caliber group. We believe you have much to gain and contribute to others who participate.
Sound like something that you’d like to join? Please fill out your application below and we'll be in touch with the next step of our vetting process.
We’ll be limiting each group to 10 members or less to maximize the experience for all. Applications are considered in the order they are received.
Hope to see your application soon.
With gratitude,

"The Ultimate Networker"
Seth knows everybody in the space. As I’m working on different projects, sometimes I have a need to learn a bit more about a particular technology area or a standard or something, and I can always count on Seth to know the right people to speak to who are subject matter experts in those areas. None of us can be an expert in everything. Having a team you can rely on who has been through these experiences and can provide guidance and reassurance that the path you are on is the right one is extremely valuable.
Mark Johnston | CEO of Telementrix, International Speaker & Author

"I See A Ton of Value"
I try to operate from an abundance mindset. I like the idea that Wireless Competitive Edge includes people from the same industry with some of the same problems, and you can ask, “Hey, how have you worked through this in the past?”. You can get beat up sometimes as an entrepreneur and CEO. Sometimes, you kind of take the hits from all sides, so to be able to bounce those things off other people who’ve been through it can be immensely helpful, and it can pay dividends for everyone.
Kenny Blakeslee | CEO of Apex Site Solutions & Pulse Signal Solutions

"Seth Always Challenges Me"
I've known Seth since about 1996. He is always striving for exellence, especially in business. Seth is well-rounded beyond his wireless expertise and the most well-connected person I have interacted with in my entire professional life. It’s very tempting to rely upon your own abilities, common sense, and somewhat be isolated. If I were to look back and have more influence, peers, and accountability, I’m sure I’d be a more well-rounded person and probably even more successful personally and professionally.
James Kramer | CEO of Legacy Wireless Services, Inc.
Program Details
*Bi-weekly virtual calls focused on growth
*Deeper dives (i.e. individual member spotlights)
*Guest expert presenters
*Annual retreat
*Exclusive member-only directory & forum
*Leading industry insights & strategy
*Trusted community of peers
*Access to wireless industry rainmakers
Apply for WCE